I know that as a follower of Christ we're called to so much more than to come to church on Sunday. There are so many things with this world that we can help change with the word in our hand. We are called to be his hands and feet. I think to do this you don't have to leave the country. I don't think you have to leave your neighborhood. I think there are tons of huge things we can do here for others in other countries, and on our block.
Something God has pulled my attention toward is children thirsty in foreign countries. We are truly blessed with clean water. And I think that I personally take it for granted way too much. I mean, children are dying because they don't have clean water!!! And we (USA) have plenty of money to do it! So... why don't we? This is what I want to do. I think that we, as God's people, can (with donations and fundraisers) raise enough money for a well in a foreign country.
I'm coming to you to ask you all for money for this particular purpose. Also, I need some fundraising ideas. I've thought about selling paintings, bracelets, bake sales, lemonade stands, babysitting,etc. Please tell me what you think would raise the most money.
The well will be bought through World Vision, and will cost $2,600. So far, I've raised $196 by asking for money instead of presents for Christmas and my birthday. I'm very excited about this and hope to excite you too! I think this could be a very neat project for everyone, and it will definitely showing God's love and care to others. We are called to be his hands and feet, and I think this is a great way to do it!
Please help me with this project. I hope you will enjoy getting to see the money you've put into this project save lives!