Here are some pictures of christmas at our house and the gifts I made (kind-of).......
Christmas Eve
coming down the hall on christmas morning (to see the gifts from santa on the couch)
another christmas eve picture
Brooks sporting his new florida football jersey (he's not a florida fan, he just wants ANY kind of football jersey he can get :)
the big mysterious gift for Caroline (which turned out to be a gymnastics beam)
Caroline with one of her DIY magazine gift bows on her head
Caroline and her tu tu I made her (she told me she wanted one....?)
brooks being silly with the sweater headband and flower he gave me
here's what i found wrapped up under the tree: my biology dissection specimens! Thank you, Mom! ;) are the DIY gifts I made.......
for caroline, I made a tu-tu. We measured her waist, sewed a piece of elastic together, and cut out different colors of tulle, and then tied them around the waist band.
These are notebooks I made for the boys. I bought Sports Illustrated magazines from the thrift store (3 for 99 cents!), and cut out different figures, pictures, and phrases/quotes. then I took a regular composition notebook, and Mod-Podge matte glue, and decoupaged the pieces of paper onto the notebook. **To decoupage, I used a sponge brush, dipped it in the glue, and put glue on a section of the notebook. after covering the entire front/back (whichever side you are working on), I put another layer of glue on top of it all.** I even cut out letters from the magazines to spell out their names, and put it on the cover of the notebook. I decoupaged the front and back of the notebooks.
For mom, I painted this sign using a regular canvas and acrylic paints. I got my inspiration from a sign at Hobby Lobby.
caroline and I did this together. he said he wanted posters for his clinic, so that when his patients were looking up from the little exercise beds, they would see these pictures. So mom ordered him some of the ones that Caroline, my mom, or I had taken, and there you have it!
mom thought this one would be funny over a patient's head :)
she thought this one was cute/funny also :)
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~Anna Leigh